AKES,P invites applications to fill the following Internship positions:
How to Apply:
Candidates should apply and fill online form latest by February 20, 2024.
Internship duration six months maximum.
Apply here: https://forms.office.com/r/yXws3ThYVk
Internship at
Regional School Development Unit, Hunza
Regional School Development Unit, Gahkuch
Regional School Development Unit, Gupis
Regional School Development Unit, Yasin
Regional Education Office, Gilgit
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Gahkuch
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Gilgit
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Sherqilla
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Hunza
DJ Model High School-Oshikhandass
Admin & Support Department
Audit Department
IT-Learning Technology
Physical Education Instructor
Science Lab